Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring is here….
Spring marks a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and restoration. Now is that time of the year for renewal and rejuvenation and spring-cleaning. It is that time of the year where we start to think about getting new clothes and home improvements or sometimes we start to clean up the garden, wash out the curtains or maybe even get the carpets cleaned. But, seldom do we stop to think about a spring renewal for ourselves and our bodies. During the winter months we may not go out as much and eat too much but when Spring comes around we want to feel just as fresh in our daily diet, exercise routines as the spring flowers.
So if you want to increase your energy and mental clarity, lose weight easily, and energize your life, you could do it right now, it’s the perfect time to do so. Why not start to do a spring cleaning for your body, now?
There are so many different ways that we can detox our body, you can get  a lot of good books about the different types  of detoxing the body like fasting with fruits,  soups  or a fasting with no food…..and other cleansing programs. All of these help us to renew ourselves to not only lose the weight gain over the winter but to enhance our bodies ability to absorb great nutrition and nutrients that will make us feel new again.
If someone has health issues and wants to try juice fasting or a specific cleanse or “detox” program, they should consider consulting their doctor or  a nutritionist to determine what the best course is for them, especially if they have any serious health challenges.  

Here are 3 things that are good to accompany a detox 

Water –  Our body is 2/3 water, and water is essential to all the processes in the body. To improve our mood, skin and metabolism try to drink at least 8 – 8 oz glasses of water a day.
Morning lemon drink – Starting each day off with warm lemon water stimulates our liver to detoxify our body - our skin will look better, we'll feel great, and we might even lose some weight! It is one of the easiest things we can do to increase our overall well-being. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass, and fill with warm water.

Eat your greens – Leafy and green vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli are jam packed with vitamins and nutrients to help restore vitality, and have even been shown to be effective at protecting us from certain cancers. Kale is particularly good for the liver, as it is a bitter green, which stimulates the production of bile, increasing our digestive ability .
So enjoy the renewal and spring-cleaning time 
So long many blessings Claudia

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