This is the time of the year, where nature is seemingly still, without movement on the outside. All the energies are drawn within to
restore and replenish

The magic of life and the beauty of nature are all around us. We only have to open up for this magic. It is everywhere; the blue sky dotted with white clouds, the fields and trees covered in snow, the air, all looks so asleep but still there is a lot happening…. the frozen rivers where the water is finding a way to flow beneath the frozen layer of ice. The birds singing their songs and looking for food (….)
It is the time to contemplate, go inward look back and reflect on the year that still is coming to an end soon. I know these are challenging times we are living in. Having a look at our personal experiences with family, jobs, health and money, can sometimes activate deep emotions of insecurity, powerlessness, fear, anger and rage in us.
Talking to a friend today I realized the story that I am involved at the moment with the dad of my children, is not just a story between him and me. It is the reflection of what is happening in the collective. The conflict between the masculine and the feminine energies...
The physical reality is showing all the dysfunctions of the collective consciousness in every area of existence. So now is the moment, where we are asked to claim and step into our own power as a CO-creator of this physical reality. No more blaming, no more excuses, no more denying. We all can and do make a huge difference, every single one of us. But how can one person make a difference? You may ask yourself.
By being conscious, aware and willing to own our experiences, circumstances and everything that is an outer appearance in our life; first the thought (cause) and then the experience (effect), The Master-Key-System Charles Haanel
Our every word, action and emotional signature connects us with, and imprints the collective. So if we continue to judge, we are adding to the collective separation. If we are in denial of our power we are adding to the collective powerlessness. If we are fearful we are adding to the collective fear. This frequency of fear is the most important to transform. Fear is the most toxic emotion in our reality.
Science has now proven that: all physical bodies produce an electromagnetic field. Planets, mountains, every cell of our body, every atom. All these fields connect as one big electromagnetic field which in turn connects us all and surrounds us. Different tests, show that each one of us has an impact on this field. We are inter-woven into this energetic field of consciousness. We affect this field with our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions, our intends and believes in every second. We personally affect this quantum field and this quantum field continues to affect us.
At the Global Coherence Initiative are a lot of international well known scientists of different institute’s active. In a very interesting experiment in the year 1993 in Washington D.C. where over 4000 people, who have been advanced in meditation practice came together. Most of them came from the movement Transcendental Meditation von Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They wanted to know, if it is possible for them to lower the rate of crime in the city down to 20 percent merely by being in a coherent, meaning together emotionally connected in a state of love and peace. During this experiment, which was running for 8 weeks, dropped the rate of crime even 23 percent. And not only this: lesser accidents happened, the emergency ward in the hospitals had lesser work, and all in all fewer people got ill. Similar experiments have been successfully repeated 48-times, amongst others in warzones like Israel and the Libanon. Gregg Braden
Our every word, action and emotional signature connects us with, and imprints the collective. So if we continue to judge, we are adding to the collective separation. If we are in denial of our power we are adding to the collective powerlessness. If we are fearful we are adding to the collective fear. This frequency of fear is the most important to transform. Fear is the most toxic emotion in our reality.
Science has now proven that: all physical bodies produce an electromagnetic field. Planets, mountains, every cell of our body, every atom. All these fields connect as one big electromagnetic field which in turn connects us all and surrounds us. Different tests, show that each one of us has an impact on this field. We are inter-woven into this energetic field of consciousness. We affect this field with our consciousness, our thoughts and emotions, our intends and believes in every second. We personally affect this quantum field and this quantum field continues to affect us.
At the Global Coherence Initiative are a lot of international well known scientists of different institute’s active. In a very interesting experiment in the year 1993 in Washington D.C. where over 4000 people, who have been advanced in meditation practice came together. Most of them came from the movement Transcendental Meditation von Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. They wanted to know, if it is possible for them to lower the rate of crime in the city down to 20 percent merely by being in a coherent, meaning together emotionally connected in a state of love and peace. During this experiment, which was running for 8 weeks, dropped the rate of crime even 23 percent. And not only this: lesser accidents happened, the emergency ward in the hospitals had lesser work, and all in all fewer people got ill. Similar experiments have been successfully repeated 48-times, amongst others in warzones like Israel and the Libanon. Gregg Braden
All is one. The universe and our bodies exist out of a united energy field – the Quantum-Hologram. And all of us can influence this universe directly through our believes and our emotional charged thoughts. Quantum scientists are now sure: We are able to change the codes of our personal reality.
So why not use this time to gather with others, stepping into conscious connection CO-creating the new world. Envision a world of wholeness and transformation. Go into your sacred heart intend a world of peace, healing, shared community, equality and oneness with one another and oneness with the consciousness of our wonderful planet. Impact the quantum field of all possibilities with a vibrational gift and vision of healing on all levels. Let this be your X-mas present to humanity and the world.
With this knowledge we can start right here and now and put it into practice. Every day, hour, moment we can add to the energy of evolution with acts of kindness, visions that supports the whole, prayers of healing, being love in action and harmless in thoughts, words and speech. Each small action generated by love and gratitude offers a coherent frequency to the whole collective and our wonderful planet earth.
So let’s join together, step into our CO-Creating and have fun J
Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas time filled with joy, peace and stardust from the galaxies
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