Sunday, August 29, 2010

Greetings to my beloved Morning Message family August 17, 2010

___________My Personal Message___________

The early morning hours are still, quiet, and it is foggy once again. This has been an unusual two sweater summer, cold and damp, shades of gray each day, with only occasional bursts of bright sunshine to remind me that it is summer. We have all been witnessing the extreme shifts in weather around the world.

These past few weeks have been busy and they have been blessed. There has been an increase in private reading appointments for which I am grateful. The 'team' is clear about being available to support and assist in these challenging times. So the code gratitude offer is still available.

The Morning Messages books are selling steadily, which is a delight and I am so thankful. I realize, however, that I am not marketing these books out in the world. I am a bit overwhelmed with the process. I would appreciate your support; you might show your copy of the books to your local bookstore and encourage them to carry these Morning Messages books. This is our project, I am only one aspect of what is unfolding; it is each one of you in this awesome community that has expanded the Morning Messages to close to 10,000 subscribers.
When you share this work with others and communicate how the messages are nurturing and inspiring you, this energy of transformation and support ripples out like waves of light. The Morning Messages 'book set special' is still available to you through this newsletter.

I am learning to use the Facebook fan page, to announce interviews, and tele/webcasts. The 'team' is thrilled with the instant connection that this tool offers. There are times when they urge me up in the morning to scribe their transmissions. So please join and network the Facebook fan page. You will find the link in this newsletter.

Awesome miracle: Morning Messages is now a contributor to the Spirit of Maat newsletter with Drunvalo Melchizedek, translated into several languages.

The Conscious Convergence event July 17-18, 2010 was incredible. A gathering of about 50 people met with a focus to join others world wide. We formed a sacred circle in the meadow with global prayers, chants, water blessings and a labyrinth walk. Gratitude to all who joined in spirit, together we are truly transforming our world.

Today we celebrate the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence which took place on August 17-18, 1987. That was a moment in time when the energies from our galaxy bathed our planet and our consciousness with the invitation to awaken. I was on a local beach overnight with friends honoring and anchoring the energy. I intuitively knew that it was heralding and preparing for a shift in the consciousness of mankind. Remember your life in 1987 and review all the incredible things that have unfolded for you in the realms of spirit. We are making a difference. One heartbeat at a time.

Blessings of grace to you magnificent beings of LIGHT, Peggy
_____Message from the "Team"_________
We embrace each of you with a frequency and vibration of courage. There are changes occurring on every front and at every level on your planet. These events activate deep emotions of insecurity, powerlessness, fear, anger and rage. Your physical reality is in tremendous flux. Your personal experiences with family, jobs, health and money continue to beg your attention. Many are feeling the strong energies that are bathing your planet. These energies are creating a reaction in your physical body with a variety of symptoms, unique to each yet a common thread to the many. It is at this time that we are inviting you to remember these are the times in which you choose to embody. You are the cutting edge of consciousness in physical form.

Now is the moment, in the midst of this phenomenal shift, to claim and step into your power as a CO-creator of this physical reality. No more excuses, no more blaming, no more denying. You personally can and do make a difference. Own that realization, take the steps each moment, each day to uplift and imprint the energy field with a vibration and frequency of wholeness.

You are a part of the collective matrix; you are an energetic aspect of collective consciousness. These are the days of challenge; the physical reality is showing all the dysfunctions of the collective consciousness in every area of existence. You might ask how one person can make a difference, how you personally can make a difference. We say to you it is the energetic gathering of the many aware, active, conscious multidimensional beings that are assisting in this transformation.

Own the fact that your every word, action and emotional signature connects with, joins and imprints the collective. If you continue to judge, you are adding to the collective separation. If you are in denial of your power you are adding to the collective powerlessness. If you are fearful you are adding to the collective fear. It is this frequency of fear that is most important to transform. Fear is the most toxic emotion in your reality.
Fear is the energy that fuels the dysfunctions on your planet.

Remember that you are interwoven into this energetic field of consciousness. You personally affect this quantum field and this quantum field continues to affect you. The very moment when you are the most challenged and most fearful is the moment in which you have the most power to change the frequency that you are offering to this quantum reality. This is where your mastery, your heart consciousness, your true magnificence can come forth.

You have incredible tools to shift energy; use the ones you know, learn new ones. Remember you impact the quantum field of consciousness. Practice shifting the dense stressful, fearful worry vibrations that you are constantly fondling. Practice offering an uplifting coherent emotion or thought. Return to your sacred heart consciousness as often as possible. Imagine, sense or feel your uplifting emotional offerings joining the energy of others who are also offering uplifting vibrations.

Gather with others, for this is the time of conscious connection CO-creating the new world. Envision a world of wholeness and transformation. In the chalice of your sacred heart intend a world of peace, healing, shared community, equality and oneness with one another and oneness with the consciousness of your planet. Allow yourself to impact the quantum field of all possibilities with a vibrational gift and vision of healing on all levels.

Remember that each act of kindness, each prayer of healing, each vision that supports the whole, adds to the energy of evolution that is taking place. Each small action generated by love and gratitude offers a coherent frequency to the matrix. Daily, hourly, moment to moment ask yourself if this word, action or emotion is life-diminishing or life-enhancing. This is your power, this is your mastery, and this is yours to do.

We also remind you to invite the support of the celestial realms of truth and light. Know that assistance and guidance is yours upon the request. Know that all requests for the highest good will be supported. We join you upon invitation; we embrace you with our love and gratitude. We offer our assistance.

©2010 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

____________ Join me and the 'team' on Facebook___________
I have finally stretched into this social media; I will be sharing information from the 'team' on a more frequent basis. It is my intention that this media offers on opportunity and connection for the wonderful community of the Morning Messages to share with one another; how the messages inspire, impact, or shift our personal experience. Please join and together we will connect and support one another.

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