The Human Energy Field is a complex matrix of life patterns and memories, which drive our views, beliefs, attitudes, physical presence and desires. Where there are patterns present that are not serving us well, it is possible to heal and transform these through Energy Field Healing.
The human energy field has main energy centres (chakras) and multiple layers. Each energy centre and each layer fulfill a different purpose in maintaining you and your well being. An advanced level Energy Field Healer has learned how to communicate with, and be sensitive to, these areas, and so is able to detect energy imbalance, blockage, and most importantly, cause. Clearing and rebalancing helps remove the memory of past illness, trauma and distress which may be held within the Field.
During treatment the Energy Field is cleared of all blocked, stagnant and imbalanced energies,and the structure of the energy field is re-aligned and re-energised. Patterns and memories of trauma and distress are released, bringing you a greater awareness of the issues of your life. the inflow of fresh universal energy will bring to the mind, body and soul, helping you to regain balance and a sense of ease.
Some results can be felt almost immediately, including a sense of lightness and relief, and then the deeper healing process will continue for a 7 to 28 day period. During treatment the client remains fully clothed throughout, and usually no touch is involved as the healing is carried out in the energy field around the body. Clients often feel warmth, tingling or pressure in parts of their body during treatment.
(Please note: due to the powerful movement of energy in this form of healing, it is not suitable for people with epilespy or those with pacemakers.
Extract taken from "Inspirit-The Centre for Energy Field Awareness"
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